Henry Purcell. O God, the King of Glory, Anthems (Q695185)

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album van Capella Brugensis, Collegium Instrumentale Brugense, Henry Purcell, Patrick Peire uit 2002 op CD
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Henry Purcell. O God, the King of Glory, Anthems
album van Capella Brugensis, Collegium Instrumentale Brugense, Henry Purcell, Patrick Peire uit 2002 op CD


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    Henry Purcell. O God, the King of Glory, Anthems (Nederlands)
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    "1. Behold, now praise the lord Z3\r\n2. In thee, o lord Z16\r\n3. O God, the king of Glory Z34\r\n4. My song shall be Z31\r\n5. Lord, how long Z25\r\n6. it is a good thing Z18\r\n7. I will love thee ZN67\r\n8. Behold, I bring you glad Z2\r\n\r\n\r\nMatthew White (altus), Julian Podger (tenor), Stephen Varcoe (bas); Capella Brugensis; Collegium Instrumentale Brugense o.l.v. Patrick Peire" (Nederlands)
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