English:De Filmfabriek (Q162775)

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"An independent digital media art factory" - that, in a word, is De Filmfabriek. Headed up by Peter Missotten (1963), Anne Quirynen, Wies Hermans and Kurt D'Haeseleer, De Filmfabriek has spent the last fifteen years developing a highly individualized metier involving the use of video and digital media for cultural projects. The formal concept drives both content and performance. The result is unusual but surprisingly pungent. With this approach De Filmfabriek opens up the whole spectrum of theatre, film, installations and digital media and takes the audience off on an intriguing journey. Along the way the borders between disciplines are called into question, as are the borders between image and actor, presence and alienation, technology and emotion. The last few years, De Filmfabriek concentrated on the creation of performances in collaboration with Het Toneelhuis (BE). Examples are Kwartet (in the attic of the Bourla), Serre-het begin (in the Koning Albert Park in Antwerp) and the installation-performanceWeerSlechtWeer (short-listed for the Holland Festival 2008), in which Missotten's fascination with the theatre space once again took the form of a machine. In the 2008-2009 season Peter Missotten, together with Peter Vandemeulebroecke, made the move to the large auditorium with De wilde wilde weg, which was very well received. This season he is making De indringer, another production for the large auditorium. But first he is expected in Linz, where he will be directing and creating the set for Kepler, a new opera by Philip Glass. At the end of this season he will be in Mannheim, again as director and set designer but this time for the world creation of Montezuma - Fallende Adler, an opera by Bernhard Lang. From 2010, the production of independent media art will be picked up again by 'De Werktank', on organisation led by Kurt D'Haeseleer. More info and contact: www.werktank.org More on www.filmfabriek.com en www.toneelhuis.be