English:Ana Torfs (Q141532)
Uit Knowledge Graph Kunstenpunt
Visual artist Ana Torfs was born in Belgium in 1963. The relation or tension between text/language and image plays a central role in Torfs' work, and with it all the related processes of visualisation, interpretation and translation. She enables a topical and authentic perception of the scattered remains from our cultural and political history. Existing texts and/or images are often used as a starting point for her poignant works, which condense into precisely composed collages or montages, suffused with elliptical allusions. In her installations, Torfs uses a variety of media, ranging from slide projections, sound, photography, and film to xerography, off-set printing, Jacquard weaving, and silkscreen.
Solo shows of Torfs' work include exhibitions at <a href="http://www.e-flux.com/announcements/ana-torfs-albumtracks-b/">Generali Foundation</a> in Vienna (2010), at <a href="http://www.e-flux.com/announcements/ana-torfs-2/">K21 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen</a> in Düsseldorf (2010), at <a href="http://www.sprengel-museum.de/ausstellungen/rueckblick/index.htm?ausstellung=Ana+Torfs.+ANATOMY&kuenstler=&Zeitraum+von=&Zeitraum+bis=&Stichwortsuche=">Sprengel Museum</a> in Hannover (2008), at <a href="http://www.argosarts.org/program.jsp?eventid=fe7e95948ad6437694bbeacfea53e263">argos centre for art and media</a> in Brussels (2007), at <a href="http://www.e-flux.com/announcements/black-spots-in-history-or-gaps-of-language/">daadgalerie</a>, Berlin (2006), at <a href="http://www.gak-bremen.de/index.php?id=180">GAK Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst</a> in Bremen (2006), and at <a href="http://www.kunstonline.info/levelone/php/general/imageviewer1.php?file=au003398&eventid=6338&eventaudiovisualtypeid=2&object=INVITATION%20-%20Du+mentir-faux&personid=14">Palais des Beaux-Arts</a> in Brussels (2000). She has also developed a web project for <a href="http://awp.diaart.org/torfs/index.php">Dia Art Foundation</a> in New York (2004). <a href="http://aprior.org/issue/approximations_contradictions">A Prior Magazine</a> dedicated an issue to Torfs' work in 2004. Torfs was awarded a <a href="http://www.berliner-kuenstlerprogramm.de/en/gast.php?id=978">DAAD scholarship</a> (Berlin) in 2005. Among her many group exhibitions, Torfs participated in the <a href="http://www.sharjahart.org/projects/projects-by-date/2013/txt-engine-of-wandering-words-2012a13">Sharjah Biennial 11</a> (2013), <a href="http://catalog.manifesta9.org/en/torfs-ana/">Manifesta 9</a> Genk, Belgium (2012), <a href="http://2000.ciac.ca/en/visuels-artistes-torfs.htm">Montreal Biennial 2</a> (2000) and <a href="http://1995.labiennaledelyon.com/fr/artistes/a_torfs.htm">Lyon Biennal 3</a> (1995).
Ana Torfs studied communication science at the University of Leuven (1981-1986) and film & video at the Sint-Lukas University College of Art and Design in Brussels (1986-1990). She lives and works in Brussels.